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Van Helsing III Gets Classy

Independent publisher and developer NeocoreGames revealed two new deadly player classes for its upcoming title, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III. Arriving on Steam this May, the popular gothic-noir steampunk action-RPG series influenced by Bram Stoker’s Dracula features the Elementalist and the Protector. The Elementalist masters the arcane arts and can tap into the powers of nature, while the Protector is a close-range specialist with heavy armor and unique shield slot.

The Elementalist can unleash terribly damaging forces from a distance, although his lack of defenses leaves him vulnerable in melee combat. Fortunately, he can wipe away monsters with a flick of a hand or send in moving pillars of frost to discourage the enemy from trying to get too close.

The polar opposite of the Elementalist, the Protector is a close-range armored specialist. He deals heavy physical damage and provides bonuses for his companions. With his vast array of abilities he can charge right into the middle of the battle, knocking down his enemies or jump right in from a distance to begin the fight.

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