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The Multiplayers – Xbox360 launch

So we thought we would start something new here for all you readers out there. This is a actual IM conversation between Scott Schopman(Supplemental Editor) and Bennett Campbell(PS2 Editor). What we have to say is strictly opinionated. We are just here to entertain you and keep you informed in a new way… Enjoy

Scott: Aloha Bennett.

Bennett: Scott, I see you managed to stumble home from the strip club last night.

S: Haha, if by strip club you mean Gamestop/Wal Mart/Circuit City.

S: They all bring out the animal in a man so it’s all the same.

B: I hear things got a little crazy at “major retail outlets everywhere.”

S: Oh yes…. I took a little midnight exploration to see what was shakin’ across town for the midnight launch oh the Xbox 360, and at the same time I was trying to get my eager little hands on one since about a week ago GameStop gave me a fantastic little call telling me how my reserved 360 would not be available launch day but I should expect it maybe sometime before Christmas.

B: I like the maybe in there, it’s like a free pass just in case they screw you over.

S: Yeah I can’t really get mad at GameStop, after all they are just the messengers, but still none the less…

B: Right, we can’t mention shortages without bringing up Microsoft

S: Oooooohhhh so that’s who’s causing this mass Xbox 360 shortage… wow really?

S: (Insert sarcasm here)

B: It’s not called the Evil Empire for nothing! I mean, it’s not like Microsoft has anything to gain by creating an artificial shortage to coincide with a massive media push that includes not only traditional advertising but special 360 segments on MTV, Spike, and G4 among other atypical marketing techniques! Next you’ll tell me man has walked on the moon!

S: I can’t badmouth the Xbox360… after all I am a fan boy, but I can say that Microsoft is going to be breaking the hearts of a lot of little gamers come Christmas day when instead of opening up that beautiful White or Green Box(core or premium) their parents have for them something else. They’ll tell their kids:
“Little Billy… we looked everywhere for it, but it was no where to be found, but we did find something else! It’s almost like a Xbox 360… they call it a Ni-Ni…wait, I can pronounce it… oh yes! A Nintendo Gamecube! You can play with your good pal Mario, can the Xbox 360 do that!?!?”

B: I think you’re on to something. Maybe Nintendo orchestrated the shortage.

S: I think Nintendo hired a bunch of mercenary pikmin to sneak into retailers
the night before and take just enough so there wouldn’t be enough for every pre-orderer and midnight camper. And in return Nintendo granted the pikmin a contract to go to a better console. But that’s just my myth…

B: …and that’s where all of the units for sale on eBay came from. Brilliant!

B: But what about your adventures amongst the unwashed (and I use that term literally) masses?

S: Haha, my midnight stroll across town to get the scoop on what was going on?

B: Well, you were either doing that or shopping for a plasma TV on the wrong day.

S: Actually, funny you should mention TV… I’m shopping for one of those now…for when I actually get my 360….

B: And maybe you’ll be able to save up enough money for it by the time 360’s become available.

S: Haha good point. So anyway about my little adventure.

B: Do tell, I’m expecting a dazzling, star-studded night, full of intrigue and scantily clad women willing to do whatever it takes to get their hands on a 360.

S: I knew I should have told the girls I worked for a gaming website… It was cold that night too.

S: Damnit Bennett stop sidetracking me

S: My friend David and I traveled to Wal-Mart, Circuit City and Gamestop trying to see what was going on. Wal-Mart was a laugh, about 20 people were standing outside, some of them in lawn chairs that you could tell were sitting there for at least a couple hours. They were all waiting for the manager to come out an talk to them and when he did this is what he said: “OK we got two big ones (meaning the premium bundle) and eight small ones (meaning the core system).

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