As the forces of Chaos snake further into Aerynth, they desecrate all that they touch. Untold dangers await those brave enough to venture into the depths of this bitter world. Dare – and encounter more than 30 menacing new areas, abounding in corrupted creatures and demons of all description.
* New Race: Seek the graces of the Nephilim – a strong, intelligent race gifted with flight and anthropomorphic powers. Armed with formidable casting abilities, the Nephilim can make fearsome foes – or invaluable allies.
* More Classes: As the foul armies of Chaos scour the cursed land, new classes arise to thwart or abet them. Challenge Doomsayers – priests of the Dark Lords who wield the power of Chaos – or play as a Sentinel – stout, holy warriors sworn to purge the world of Chaos.
* Darker Disciplines: Beware the infernal powers of the Darksworn – loyal underlings to the Dark Lords – and evade the path of Conjurers – monstrous pets that summon Chaotic entities.