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Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (PC) Review with stream

Anyone who was a child at any point after the show debuted in 1993, is roughly aware of the Power Rangers and has experienced some form of fascination with them.  It is literally the property that has kept giving for both Saban and Fox Kids, even if literal generations of children have forgotten it was still a thing.  The better question becomes if a game that comes out for the series after 25 years has any merit to it other than passing lip service to those watching the current series.

The first thing that will probably shock most fans is that the game references a wide swath of series, starting with the first.  Not since “Forever Red” have so many different Rangers gathered in one place.  The story that everything revolves around would be considered heavily non-canon, although that probably isn’t going to stop anyone who is interested in any passing way as the attention to individual character lore is impressive to say the least.

Graphically the game is perfectly fine for a title that has been ported to every single current generation console, and PC.  Several of the backgrounds have large scale battles happening during the foreground fighting, which becomes confusing when the player summons one of the characters fighting there and they do not stop.  While not overly impressive, they are on par with any fighting game–and above the asking for any other game in the same price range.

The balance of the game, while hard to talk about with a limited time, seems to favor certain characters over others.  While I was only able to test this theory in a handful of online matches, it seemed to hold true.  There have also been complaints that the online netcode itself is not the most solid in the world.  Although the game is entirely cross-play enabled, there were many complaints in the Steam forums about people losing connection fairly consistently while playing.  This cannot be verified, as I did not experience at all during play, but it did seem to appear in enough discussion that it should be brought up as a point of concern.

The Power Ranger fanbase is an odd thing.  There are people that drop out after a season or two, there are those that watch way longer than they should only to fade away.  The true fans are the ones that know way more than they should ever know for no reason.  This game strives to make a place for all of them.  While it stumbles slightly along the way, it is nothing that can’t be patched out easily — which given the support the dev has given the game seems more likely than not.  Anyone even passively interested should give this a shot.  It has a little something for every fan.

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