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Nether (PC) Review

Nether Survival-Horror MMO for PC

Nether is a survival-horror game that will have you wasting hours of your life exploring places and fighting off enemies. Some of us are post-apocalyptic junkies who will buy any game with that theme, cause who doesn’t want to help mankind make a comeback after the end of the world as we know it?

While Nether is a solid game, there are some flaws that should have been addressed before the official release. The game was actually in Early Access, so players were able to provide feedback and developers were able to make improvements before the big launch. However, it appears that they may have rushed to release the game, leaving many issues for players to deal with.

One of the biggest issues is the lag you will have to deal with during melee combat, as there is a short delay between the part where you go to swing and land the attack. It can be frustrating, but it does not make the game miserable or even too frustrating. There’s so much more to this game than just melee combat so it is not a big deal for most players, however Nether has received a few bad reviews due to this issue.

Guns are a major part of this game as well, as they give you another reason to explore the wasteland where there is much to find. There are many different types of guns you can come across on Nether, and each one will feel different as not all guns are the same weight.

When you begin playing the first-person survival-horror game you will find yourself thrown into a destroyed world with no idea of what happened in the first place. You will begin with a backpack and a kitchen knife, while desperation will surround you in this post-apocalyptic setting.

Nether can easily remind one of Fallout because there are times where you are exploring for hours, and there are times when you’re doing your best to avoid getting detected by enemies. Nether is a bit more complex, although that’s hard to say when you realize many of the building are merely clones of each other.

The graphics are impressive, however the game does have some performance issues, so make sure you have a decent gaming setup before attempting to play this game. Another minor issue you will notice is that when you walk over trash the game will raise you a few feet in the air as if there is something there that you can’t see.

So who are your enemies in Nether? The nethers of course! These creatures are mutated beings that don’t always look the same and some come with sharp claws, toxic sludge or blunt fists. What’s really weird that you don’t see often in video games is the way these creatures will go through a portal to pop up right behind you and start attacking. So no, you can’t always run away from your enemies on this game. Not only that, but these guys can literally pick up on your location through metal, stone and asphalt with their sensing skills.

Even though you don’t want to get attacked all the time and you will often find yourself avoiding detection, these guys will find you! But you know what, it’s worth it because they drop blood and claws which will help you get new stuff. Basically, you can trade these parts to a group called “Order of the Cull” and if you can loot enough nether parts they can craft new weapons for you.

In Nether, the biggest threat is other players and it is practically a “kill or be killed” game since it is played online. Almost every interaction you have with another human player will be negative, although this will change once you find people to play with regularly. Playing with friends or joining a clan will make this game more fun, and the memories are priceless. The open wasteland is huge and makes for a great online multiplayer gaming experience, pick it up or download it if you like a good post-apocalyptic/survival-horror game.

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