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Math Math Math

The iPhone is capable of some pretty decent graphics and can accurately recreate games from the Atari to current generation consoles.  Sometimes however, this isn’t necessary.  Sometimes all you need for entertainment are some numbers, a love of math, and an iPhone.  Enter: Solution Zero.

Solution Zero from Rock Ridge Games is mathematical brain teaser that involves playing with numbers to reach…you guessed it…zero.  A row of six numbers is displayed with small boxes in which you place operators (as in add, subtract, multiply, divide).  No negative numbers or fractions can result, and the end number must equal zero.  In the middle is a box that displays the current total to keep you updated on your status.  If this sounds complex don’t worry.  There is a tutorial option on the main menu screen demonstrates the premise of the game.  It can be played on four difficulty levels: whiz, brain, genius, and prodigy, which end up simple or

Each round consists of 10 puzzles that must be completed in one sitting without closing the app.  There is no pause button, and the game is reset if the app is closed.  If you are able to finish them all, your points are displayed along with a grade rating.  Currently, scores are only stored locally but an update could add a global leaderboard.  Then we could find out who the real whiz is.

This game is not how I would like to spend my idle time.  It’s certainly not what I do for fun, which is a sentiment shared by any of us who get angry upon seeing numbers.  It definitely takes some practice unless you are a child prodigy or Rain Man.  Some people may prefer more explosions and colors in an iPhone app.  If so, go download a racing game or a shooter.  Solution Zero appeals to the brainiac in all of us and may even bring one out of stubborn number haters like myself…if I can get through a whole 10 rounds of number crunching.

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