Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Xbox One) Review
Phenomenal story
Great combat
Interesting characters
Nice graphics
Three games in one
No cats
The Mass Effect franchise first hit the gaming world back in 2007. Despite the hype surrounding the game the first time around, I never took the time to try it out. This may have have been due to the Rainbow Six: Vegas addiction I had at the time, but it’s a game that flew under my radar. That is until I saw that the Mass Effect Legendary Edition had hit Xbox Game Pass. Having been actively searching for a new story-driven epic, I saw this as a sign straight from the Gods of Gaming.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition – Story
Featuring all three games from the series, the Mass Effect Legendary Edition offers a story that will keep any science fiction fan engrossed for untold hours. Furthermore, the shape of the plot is crafted by the player and even the smallest of decisions in the first game can have an impact in the third.
The game follows Lieutenant Commander Shepherd as he or she (the player’s choice) fights to save all organic life from total destruction by an ancient super-race known as The Reapers. I won’t give too much away here, as the story is yours to shape, mold and discover in your own way, and that’s the very beauty of the Mass Effect Trilogy.

As you progress through the game, you will meet new characters that you can bring onboard as crew members on your ship, The SSV Normandy. Each of these characters have their own distinct personality and backstory, further adding to an already intricate and immersive plotline. As the storyline plays out, Mass Effect draws the player further and further into the game’s vast and wonderful universe.
Technical Combat
Each of your crew members come with their own set of abilities that can be upgraded as experience is gained and you level up your character. This allows for tactical combat as holding in the powers button pauses combat and allows you to think things out as you instruct your teammates to unleash their abilities upon the enemy. Furthermore, different abilities have different effects on the differing targets, forcing the player to really think things out to ensure the abilities are being used to their full potential.

Cover also plays a huge part in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition and can make the difference between victory and defeat. Crew members can also be positioned using the D-pad’s left and right buttons. Positioning your comrades well is just as important as self-preservation.
Overall, the combat flows like liquid and is rewarding when you begin to master the ways of war in the Mass Effect universe.
A Better Experience with each Installment
While I’d heavily encourage playing the Mass Effect Legendary Edition from the very start, I do still say that each game is better than the last. New features are added to each game until the perfect balance is achieved in Mass Effect 3. Starting the franchise at the last game, however, will leave you in a world of confusion and tragically rob a player of the epic storyline that weaves and winds itself throughout the whole experience.

I’m still in a state of confusion about how I never played these games back on their first releases. I have devoted seemingly endless hours to the franchise. I’d even go as far as to say that Mass Effect is host my new favorite storyline, cast of characters and gameplay.
If you’re a fan of sci-fi, RPGs or tactical shooters, then it would be a crime for you to miss out on all the beauty and intrigue that the Mass Effect games dish out in abundance.