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Insurgency Review


Storm the streets and endure tons of intensifying close quarters combat as your team crucial depends on every soul standing. Destroy complexes, strongholds, bombs, weapon caches in a multiplayer that never gets old. In addition, fight alongside your brothers in a cooperative mode that encourages teamwork and comradery. Experience all this on the advanced Source engine it was built on.

Insurgency the game is a tactical multiplayer FPS (First Person Shooter) that includes quick actions while retaining a fair amount of realism that is emphasized on its environment and gameplay. The game had recently come out on January 22, 2014 on Steam and has been developed by New World Interactive and is $15.00.



The maps in Insurgency are very unique in the sense that they vary from deserts to tundras. Some of the maps in this game get repetitive and even though there are different environments, the map design is poor. Many of the same colors being used over and over again and many of the maps are cluttered with buildings. However, the buildings of the maps were constructed in a brilliant way in the sense of having big open maps and then implementing an original FPS 3×3 path ways into them, this prevents stalled movement within players and pushes them to move up and eventually intersect with other players.

The maps are:

Game modes

The game modes within this game are very repetitive and short when it comes to competing time. Most of the game modes include objectives, which is fine. However, many of the objects are just flags like in battlefield 4 conquest and each game mode has that base concept with a variant. Many of the game modes are “wait until objective has been captured” or “wait till next wave in five minutes” waiting to spawn like this eats up half the game. There is no instant respawn game mode where players can roam freely like in team death match and just keep respawning and killing.  There is a cooperative mode, but the bots are really easy to kill and there is no difficulty throttle setting.

The game modes are:








               The maps and the game modes may look disappointing, but the gameplay is amazing. There are many guns that can be customizable with many attachments; lots of combinations could be made. No gun is overpowered or over used because once you choose a class you get a different combination of guns set aside from other players. Gun fights are really intense and it brings out your inner human, fighting for survival and turning into an “It’s either me or him” situation. The gameplay is really realistic and surprisingly adrenaline rushing.





 + Original/Tactical Gameplay

+ Realistic

+Balanced/Simple classes

+Good game for the price


+Repetitive game modes

+Dull design

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