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Gamer’s Gate announces four new additions.

Gamer's Gate has revealed this week that four new games will be put up on it's website for the enjoyment of all of you out there. Here's the line up.

1.[i]Warlords Battlecry III[/i]-A sequel to the previous [i]Warlords Battlecry[/i] titles you will play through an RPG like world as one of a number of fantasy heroes, complete with retinue, as you battle your way across the world of Etheria. For more information go here.

2. [i]Capitalism 2[/i]-In this game you will be able to found a starting company and work it up into a business empire that would make J.P. Morgan feel small. To do this, however, you will have to come to grips with all the business aspects that come your way which covers everything from Marketing to Retailing and much more then that which you will have to utilize in your rise to become a CEO. For more information go here:


3. [i]Marine Park Empire[/i] gives the player the chance to take control of a water park and run in to, hopefully, a commercial success. All factors of the park will have to be controlled by you. These from taking care of the animals(and not in an Al Pacino way) to management of the employees and making sure your customers have a good time. For more information you can go here

4. Finally there is [i]Restaurant Empire[/i] from Trevor Chan, the creator of the [i]Capitalism[/i] series whose lasted addition is listed above. You start with some cash in hand and ideas in your head and, with good work, good food, and hard work you can raise yourself to the level of a major player in the food world. Please visit the official site here at

Well, that's the lot for now. Check 'em out, see what you think, but in the end make sure you have a good time. It's what it's all about, isn't it?

Nick McCavitt at

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