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Freedom Fighters

The game company EA is a wonderful one, and the best ( besides Ubi). With such titles as Metal of Honor, Sim City, and The Sims. Now to introduce- Freedom Fighters.
Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters is set in a time period where Russia was able to capture every other country that exists and are now aiming for the country of the United States of America to take hold of the last Russian free country. With the only country free of the ridden Soviet Union is about to get taken over, if there wasn’t the outstanding plumbers by the name of Chris and another young fella by the name of Troy.

In this Soviet Union dominate war, it really never saw the time period where the Soviet Union was demolished, and now they obtained the almighty power, and is seeking to take everything for themselves.

These two are the leagues best plumbers (ya right! ) and have been called into to duty to fix a clogged sink that belongs to Isabella Angelina, who is a trusty member of the Watchdog organization who is responsible about telling the US-of A about the wrongful acts of the Soviets, and to keep them warned about anything.

When Chris and Troy finally do get to the Isabella’s apartment, it is trashed out, and ridden of its belongings. Soon after them two walking in, what else happens but the Soviets rush in expecting to see Isabella, but all they get are Chris and Troy. So they take and capture them to do as they wish with the two. This is where all of the story really gets going and The United States’ freedom has begun it’s countdown.

What do you get when you craft all of the main essentials of getting the A.I. tackled so there will not be any problems with controllability of keeping them inline. Making sure the surroundings are reliable enough so you will not get lost trekking your way through each level, and the gameplay is appealing enough to want you to keep coming back for more?

Freedom Fighters is what you will get. FF is a well scripted story with a great story line. Each mission is clearly spoken so you won’t be stumped on what to do next. Proportional graphics, crisp clean surroundings. Sound is great, awesome FX, its all here to bask in! Great responding A.I. so you won’t get stuck in any traps and be killed because your team mates will go wandering off in another direction.

Third-person shooters can sometimes be hazardous to play. Many things are able to go wrong and there have only been a few good titles. You shall not have to worry, Freedom Fighters accomplishes everything and passes with an Emmy, for the best 3rd person shooter for the year of 2003.

Control is one of the best things to bring up about this title. Luckily you have been dubbed ?king’ of the pack. You are able to control your troops as you wish. Placing each and telling what them to do is an important task, and if accomplished right, you just might live- maybe. The team isn’t always graceful, they do have there faults. Sometimes, they will wander off causing them to be killed. Other times they will get stuck, in a pack, creating a huge target for the taking by the enemy. Controlling is surprisingly easy. Three buttons will be controlling them at all times. One for Defense, one for attack, and finally one for recall. Each unit will have the basic moves of ?art of the war’. Cover, aim, and shoot. Of course they will shoot and defend, but they will also use the surrounding parts of the city for shelter. While this may not be a state of the art feature, it sure helps you to beat the game easier!

As you will soon easily recognize, each mission is clearly expressed. “Go here and do this, before doing this!”, it’s like that. This helps because there will not be any confusion on where to go, and what to do. This also can be a downfall with the fun and challenge. To add to the overall challenge and fun you can’t get passed a mission without completing a side mission. For instance, one level will have you blowing up a bridge, but to all shock, there is an attack helicopter above it, so you have to get some explosives and blow up the heliport to succeed. So you see, you must accomplish two things, before completing one!

To transport from one location to another, you must use ?manholes’. These manholes aren’t just for going places, they also save the game for you. Unlike most games, EA limited the amount of these manholes, so you won’t be ruining the fun by saving every 30 seconds or so.

Freedom Fighters is not short a bit on graphics. Beautiful surroundings, that help the realism that Soviet was able to take over the world. Character models are perfect sculptured, smooth run downs all through the body. Depending on which console you are playing it on, there will be a slight change. The difference is very small and almost unnoticeable, but the PC is the best.

Sound, is perfectly captured with the Soviets. There witty humor in between each other will bring a smile to your face of satisfaction. Soviets rightfully speak there native tongue and sometimes can be a pleasure to watch, because you don’t know what they are really saying. The background music is mainly composed of the Soviet’s anthem and such, it puts you in the mood, like they are actually trying to take you over!

The only real problem with Freedom Fighters is that is isn’t long enough. The game is one of the best, with everything involved, and to make it even longer would of been a blessing. Mixed with action, team work, and stealth, Freedom Fighters is a solid recommendation!

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