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E3: Introducing Huxley-Your next MMOFPS


 The massively multiplayer market could be in for a serious change of pace if Huxley turns out to be half as good as it looks. While MMORPGs have achieved prominent success for both PC and console gaming, any attempt at a MMOFPS (massively multiplayer first person shooter) has met with utter disaster.

 Speaking of utter disaster, the setting of Huxley is a post apocalyptic Earth where humans have mutated into two opposing species; sapiens and alternatives. At the heart of their conflict is Lunarites, a valuable energy source that could mean the difference between survival and extinction for each side.

 You may notice there are several similarities between this game and many MMORPGs, including character creation. Selecting between one of the two races, the player makes his own "avatar" that will gain experience and money as he is played in PvE and PvP missions. There is also an explorable world filled with NPCs that supply missions and storyline.

 But despite any similarities to an RPG, at its core this game is still a FPS. While levels will grant access to bigger guns, vehicles (yes, there are vehicles) and skills, whether you're level god or level crap, putting the bullet in the target is all that counts.

 Rewards are a big issue with any MMO game, and Huxley's creator specified he wants players of this game to feel rewarded on both the team and individual level. This includes territorial supremacy for a guild that captures an area, and items and experience to the individual players who participated in the battle.

 From the still shots and videos available so far, the game looks marvelously detailed and smooth, even when there are numerous characters frantically moving around. The style of the post apocalyptic Earth is futuristic while still eerily realistic.

 Being a fan of MMORPGs, but not a fan of level grinding and slow gameplay, I will be looking forward to trying this game when it comes out

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