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Dark and Light

FEATURES by Satange

A unique and huge world, no zones, no loading time
Two experience lines for every character: combat and social
Three skill trees for every character. And you can choose whether you specialize or not
12 races
14 classes
30 equipment slots per character.
42 career paths depending on social experience. And again, you may choose between specialization and versatility

A game-mastering team in five languages, entirely dedicated to enhancing the role of players in a truly interactive scenario
Tradeskills and jobs set up to allow you to increase your skills without having to fight on a daily basis
A political organization allowing you to become a lord, baron, count, duke, and even the king
A combat system allowing you to assault a fortress or to besiege it by cutting its supply lines
Fighter NPCs you may hire to fight for you
A house for every player, where you can store your characters? possessions
A dozen of mounts you may use as you wish, from dodos to dragons to “rancho”
Fly in the air without restrictions thanks to dragons, gliders and parachutes
A complete and easy-to-use automated transportation and warp system
Original crafting system.
New supply discovery process.

Dynamic and unique weather management
Undersea and underground management
More than 4000 fortresses, more than 1000 cities, are waiting for a nobleman to capture them
40 000 square kilometers of land
Two Kingdoms – Dark and Light – with no PvP
Ten Kingdoms to conquer (PvP)
Five Duchies per Kingdom.
Seven Counties per Duchy.
Nine Baronies per County.
13 Fortresses per Barony.
Time of the world: 84 minutes = 24 DnL hours, a DnL day.
365 days per year with 4 seasons.
One sun, two moons and a constellation management.
300 000 polygons rendered per frame (terrain only)
Polygon resolution: 16 cm
EAX support and 7.1 compatible.
Original soundtrack


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