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Bioware-Pandemic Scooped Up by EA

In what seems like an end to the era where developers could work for multiple companies, Bioware-Pandemic, the crew behind a scroll-length of A-list games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire and The Mercenaries, has been bought up by Electronic Arts for a whopping $860,000,000 (eight hundred-sixty million).  This sent EA stocks soaring, but angered some investors with just how much they spent (best-vocalized by Evan Wilson from Pacific Crest Securities, who pointed out how Bioware-Pandemic cost EA more than Red Octane, Criterion, Mythic, GLU Mobile, Havok, Bizarre, and Harmonix cost their respective buyers put-together).  EA was quick to point out that this instantly made them a powerhouse in all genres.

With this acquisition, EA also gained the rights to many of the titles Bioware-Pandemic became known for, including The Mercenaries, the upcoming Mass Effect, Jade Empire and Full Spectrum Warrior, adding to their ever-increasing list of high-profile series they're now at the helm of.  They also gained some in-development, yet-to-be-named games for the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS. 

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