Video Game Reviews, News, Streams and more – myGamer

Bang! Bang! You’re Dead: Ever Expanding Realism

In a Western games market, where modern military propaganda is placed side by side with the latest cutesy Pokemon release; are we entering an era of subtle battlefield indoctrination preceding the ominous knock of the recruitment drive? Considering the sheer power and influence of the video games industry, can we truly claim a state of blissful ignorance as the armed forces stealthily infiltrate our beloved pastime arena with their own covert interests and hidden agendas? Knowing that gaming titles such as Full Spectrum Warrior and Conflict: Desert Storm exist as both training simulation and politically incorrect backslapping ventures, do we have a right to condemn the emergence of a terrorist funded ‘resistance fighter’ video game?

Historically accurate war games are tasteless and offensive. Do I own any? Yes, more than I care to mention. Is one of them based around the recent international excursions in Iraq (let’s not lie to ourselves and call it a war; a war is something indicative of TWO armies fighting!)? Yes, I do own one of the Conflict series games. Did I harbor any self-imposed guilt regarding this title’s inclusion in my video game collection? Well, I didn’t

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